
Driving on Flat Tire

I had a flat tire a few weeks ago. It is my hope that you can learn from what I did right, and from what I did wrong.I was headed to work in my 2010 Mustang. It was 5 am and I was blasting down the freeway at something like 70 mph. My commute is around 25 miles, or 30 minutes. I was almost there when I started to feel a strange vibration in the car. I did not have a clue as to what was happening. The car felt like it was going over a rough road, but I seemed to remember this section of the freeway as being in good condition.  Then the thought crossed my mind that I was losing control of the car. FLAT TIRE! Is what my brain finally screamed out. In all this time I had not slowed down, and looking back I think I drove about a mile while I was trying to analyze what the hell was going on. Luckily for me there was no traffic around me as I dove for the right side of the road. The car went through some wild gyrations as I was getting it stopped, and once I was safely parked on t

Perks of Roadside Assistance

    B eing a member of Motor Club of America allows you access to valuable discounts. You'll receive discounts on travel, hotel, motels and rental cars. You will also save on medical, emergency care, dental, vision, and prescriptions. Helpful . Honest . Very affordable.  Members get personal service and discounts up to 65% off, it's no wonder why more people trust Motor Club of America for the best roadside assistance plans available in the auto club industry today. Our roadside assistance plans protect you on the road, at work and at home.  We offer the most comprehensive coverage available, giving you and your family peace of mind.  Take advantage of big discounts on hotels and rental cars when traveling.  Coverage’s include traffic ticket legal services, hospital & death benefits, medical & dental discounts, membership group insurance benefits, and much more.. Members receive access to top-quality prescription medications with up to 50% in savings .

Driving on Empty

     A lot of us continue to drive after the low fuel light comes on even though we shouldn’t. Whether it’s the price of gas, inconvenience, or just procrastination, some of us wait until the last minute to fill up the tank. Waiting until your gas tank is empty to fill it up could end up costing you far more than the tank of gas though. A 2015 survey found that every year, more than 827,000 drivers ignore their vehicle’s low fuel warning light and run out of gas. Additionally, 25% of all drivers believe they can make it another 40 miles once the light turns on. According to experts, driving around on empty (or almost empty) is a foolish idea. Fuel gauges are not always accurate, and accuracy can vary based on a number of factors including your driving style and your car’s fuel economy. Experts warn motorists to use a fuel gauge as an estimate – rather than an exact measurement – of how far they can make it before running out of fuel. Running out of fuel isn’t the only conce

Getting Roadside Assistance in advance

      In a perfect world, you wouldn’t need to have the name of a towing service saved in your phone. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. If you don’t already have the information for one, you may want to look into it. If your car breaks down , there are likely going to be more things on your mind than who is coming to your rescue. That’s exactly why planning ahead never hurts. There are several reasons why it’s beneficial to know which service you want to use before you need them. YOU CAN’T PREDICT AN ACCIDENT. You hit a deer on a lonely back road. Your car is inoperable. You call a friend but he/she doesn’t pick up. You open your web browser on your phone, but you can’t connect to the internet to look up a towing service . Suddenly, you find yourself stranded with no one to come help you. You can’t always guarantee that you’re going to have access to your normal avenues of communication if you’re ever in an accident or your car breaks down. If you can’t

What to Do When Your Car Is Stolen

    G etting your car stolen is the most awful thing. But don’t be freaked out, my worried readers. Get your stolen car back now with these strategies.  Check if your car is really stolen before you head out. Get a Total Security plan with Motor Club of America which covers Stolen Vehicle Reward. Check the parking lot carefully. Maybe you just forget the exact place of your car. Check with towing companies before reporting your car stolen. Order VIN check. The VIN check contains all history report, including accidents and service records. It is reported that a car is stolen every 33 seconds in the United States, and more than $4.3 billion is lost nationwide to motor vehicle theft . So it is not surprised why so many car owners’ vans/cars/vehicles get stolen. Call the police. Definitely it is the common way for you to take. Contact your insurance company . Hope you have bought insurance for your car. If your car is lost, your insurance compan

Reasons You Should Not Work on Your Car When You’re Stranded

      I t happens to everyone: that sputtering gives way to grinding, and suddenly your car won’t move. Or maybe you blow a tire and find yourself steering yourself to the shoulder with great effort. That’s when being a member of a Motor club can come to your rescue. We offer 24/7 roadside assistance and towing throughout USA and Canada, no matter where you are or how bad the damage to your vehicle is. We believe that towing should be affordable, fast, friendly, and most importantly of all, safe. We don’t leave you waiting on an unfriendly and potentially dangerous driver. With just a few clicks, you can secure emergency roadside assistance or towing when you’re stranded. If you’re like many people, though, you might be tempted to work on your car while you wait. Perhaps you even hope you can save some money by avoiding towing, or preventing your car from having to go into the shop. We understand the temptation. After all, everyone wants to be self-sufficient, and no one enj

Know What to Do if You Are Stranded on the road

       E veryone feels stressed stranded on the side of the road awaiting towing or emergency roadside assistance. Panicked people make dangerous decisions, so take a few deep breaths before doing anything. Then call Motor Club , We connect you with a driver in your area who offers fast and safe service to address roadside emergencies ranging from the minor to the major. Here’s what you need to know to stay safe as you wait for us to arrive. Your First Move: Call Motor Club Before you do anything else, call Motor Club of America to schedule a tow driver. This ensures your driver will get there as quickly as possible. We offer a range of services for roadside emergencies, including: ·        Letting you into your car if you are Locked out. ·        Repairing or replacing blown or flat tires . ·        Giving cars with dead batteries a boost or jumpstart. ·         Towing you to a vehicle repair center if your car is seriously damaged. ·         Bringing you g